Thursday, August 27, 2009

Will our video play on blogger?

Testing out our new camera.


ellen said...

Ahhhh!! Videos are so much better!! What a little cutie. West will be walking in NO time! I can't get over his cuteness!!

tlsumner said...

I can't believe how much he has progessed in the last few weeks..I'm counting the days to hug him and kiss him! LOVE YOU WEST!

Marcie said...

Yes the work and you might have an ealier walked. He is so DARLING!

Unknown said...

Can't believe he's already standing! And really cool how he does it sideways :)

Laura said...

He really is such a cutie! We had fun with you guys in the pool last night and it was fun hearing Weston squeal with delight. He's such a cute kid!

Taylor said...

OMG I can't wait to squeeze those little cheeks! Only 10 more days!