We made a trip out to Utah last month and had a lot of fun seeing family and friends. We got to be there for so many important events! We're lucky so many things were going on at the same time and even more lucky that Eric and I could both keep working from home on the road!
First, Eric's brother Cole was called to the Arcadia, CA mission and we were able to be at his farewell! Congrats, Good Luck, and We Love you Cole! (This picture's from Christmas...I guess we were too busy hanging out to take pictures)

Next, My Auntie Anna graduate from college with her bachelor's degree in Computer Information Systems! We are so excited for her and proud of her. She's been working hard for a lot of years. I am kind of sad that it means we probably won't be able to have anymore math study sessions, but I guess we can find more reasons to hang out! We love you Anna!
And since we were there for 2 weeks we got to do a lot more!
My dad got a little more Grandpa and Weston time than he usually does since Grandma Tyresha had to go home and work for a couple days so they lived it up and Granpa is teaching Weston how to run already...and how to nap (he does both really well!)

We were also there over Memorial Day and I got to meet up with my Grandpa larsen and Paul and Holly and Lindsey and Tim to visit my Grandma's headstone and go to dinner! We had fun getting to see each other and afterward I went to take flowers to LuAnn's grave and Anna introduced Weston to his other grandma (It was pretty sweet...Don't mind that he's half naked, he was happy)

We got to see a lot of friends! Weston and I went to a BBQ and George and Ashley's and we got to see Brian and Mindyn too! Erica and Brandon couldn't make it to the BBQ, but Erica made a special cameo in Sandy to come see us! We also had a BBQ with Jake's house with Eric's High School friends, and Weston tried his best to put the moves on Meg!

We got to see Weston's friends too! He got to hang out with his cousin Hannah a little bit more and they were fascinated with each other (until Weston's "talking" or more commonly called screaming scared her...)

Here's Weston putting the moves on Meg and she's got a look for him that says "Excuse me..."

We also overlapped our trip with the Hank's trip to Utah so we got to meet up at Katie and Spencer's new house to introduce all the boys! Aren't they cute little buddies!

These pictures are actually from when my mom and Taylor came out to visit us, but I couldn't find them when I was posting about that so I'm throwing them in here because they're too cute to be left out!

Finally...We had so much fun in Utah, but we were pretty worn out and excited to get home and see Eric!